Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Sunday 17th April Day 1

Well it's been a long time, but going back into the garden, it's just like we've never been away. A smaller crowd this year with Adrian, Karen, new girl Rita, Kat, David and another chap (never got his name) with Colin joining us in the afternoon.

For my loyal followers (who am I kidding!) soz I've taken so long to get this blog started but what with Easter, wedding holiday all in the way, then I've been a tad busy. BUT I'M BACK NOW. Yippeeeeeeeee

Oh, right don't get too excited. Photos will come later.

So what did we do? Well a health and safety talk was followed by...guess what..... a stint in the sieving tent!....Oh no it wasn't, that came after I actually got my trowel dirty in the front of the garden chipping off a raised bit of dirt to get it back to the level of the surrounding dirt...then it was off to the sieving tent. Oh joy!

But hey, it's good to be back


Will and David contemplating the spoil heap.

Can you guess where it is yet? Yes it's the Knot garden. The quarter we did last year...or did we!!!!

Adrian in his favourite hole

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