Monday, 6 September 2010

Dig Day Sunday 5th September 2010

This post could be a little lacklustre as I can't get the sd card out of my camera! Mind you there is only 1 photo and I'll discuss that later.

Well the dig is officially over and we've been relegated to 5 volunteers per session by Chloe. Not that many people knew that! Clayre and myself have been relegated to Sunday pm, so it was very strange getting up and then having nothing to do (so to speak) until I went to pick her up at 12.30. It was very strange arriving at 1pm 'cos all our normal crew were already there. They had wondered where we were.

Bob was on his own this week, and by the sounds of it there will be no-one in from B'ham Arch unit Monday or Tuesday! but we are only sieving and recording. Actually Jade and Adrian and Peter got to do some digging in the front on a 1m square trench, and the amount of stuff that was coming out from that small area was pretty phenominal. Mainly bone with a lovely bit of green pot.

Adrian and Clayre in the most exciting hole of the day.....

Started in the sieving tent. This week we had a lot of interested adults, as well as children, who wanted to have a go at sieving. It's very rewarding.

The Mulberry tree behind the kitchen has now become dangerous and only a member of BAU can go and get spoil, so that means that Bob has been very busy over the last couple of days and now he's on his own I suggested that if he fills the barrows and wheels them to past the Mulberry tree, myself and someone else can wheel them to the temporary spoil heap from where people can then take it to the tent. It was was going swimmingly, then I decided to speed up the process, donned hard hat, grabbed spade and ran under the tree to the spoil heap, where I stayed and helped fill up barrows. I let Bob wheel them past the tree. Speeded up the process somewhat.

After a much need coffee, I returned to the sieving tent once more, and that was it until 5pm. Not even any scones today as the tourists had eat them all! We just had to make do with our ice-cream.

So not a very exciting day really, but that's not what archaeology is all about. It's the taking part, meeting lots of new people, learning new skills and generally having a great time.

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