Monday, 2 August 2010

Dig Day Sunday 1st August 2010

Day started cloudy and remained like that for most of the day.
Jonathan and myself volunteered to tidy-up the greenhouse. Reason: there is a shortage of find's trays!

It was a bit of a mess, with finds trays and bags all over the place and in the wrong place. So we got all the unwashed finds together at one end of the bench and then sorted washed finds, putting same named trays together and therefore freeing up a host of trays for the sievers.

Before.....(soz...Jonathan does make it look worse...te-he)

Once we'd done that, we started looking at the un-washed finds. We sorted the 2 larger context numbers together (1010 and 1011) and started to wash them. I got bored half way through and decided to tidy the bench behind us. That done I returned to pot washing.

After lunch, Jon went out front, with Clayre, to dig by the steps of the house and I stayed in the greenhouse to finish washing my context. After that, I sorted out the rest of the bags and trays, amalgamating contexts where I could, and also removing all the metal and bagging them up separately. (you don't wash metal).

It was a really interesting job, because being a person who hasn't found an awful lot over the last 15 weeks, it was nice to handle what other people had found. There were a couple of marbles made from stone. Very round and smooth and tactile. There was a lot of glass and bone, lots of metal nails, different types of pot, and tiny pins which together with the thimble and bone button template will make a lovely social story.

... and after.

I then spent a couple of hours in the seiving tent and it was manic!!! Children and adults everywhere wanting to have a go at sieving. How good is that! However, a lot of them went away a trifle disappointed at only finding the ubiquitous stones!!

Then I swapped with Jon and Clayre and moved out front to work with Colin, doing my favourite thing......digging.

End of day: cream scone, ice-cream......Oh happy days.

And here's one for Sue just to remind her what she's been missing all these weeks.
Hoper you're feeling better matey.

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