Tuesday, 20 July 2010

Dig Day Sunday 18th July 2010

This weeks post is dedicted to Jack, and all the other great kids, and adults, who have joined us on this amazing opportunity. For their enthusiasm and their dirty hands!!

We had a lot of nice kids in the sieving tent today.

After t-break, I went back to the sieving tent but then Emma asked me to start trowelling back in Area A.

After lunch, went back sieving, moved onto pot washing then joined Colin in the knot garden where we spent a very hot and hunid afternoon mattocking (well that was Colin) and clearing the soil (me) and emptying the barrows (Bob).

For all you gardening fiends out there, the Knot garden is looking particulary colourful.....

Star find of the day was fond by Heather in the morning sieving. It's a piece of bone from which they've punched discs to make into buttons. How cool is that!

Oh and another small thing found was the tudor brick built pit! Admitedly it was maissing one of its walls, but the Victorians had replaced it with they're own wall to presumably to support the older sides.

The knot garden it proving to be an interesting area.

Not impressed today..... only half a cream scone each and no biscuits!!!! Bloomin' tourists!

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