Saturday, 8 May 2010

Dig Day Sunday 25th April 2010

Getting into the swing of getting up early....just.

Can't believe how much top soil has been removed since last week. The outline of a pit has been exposed. Could this be the top of the cess pit everones being banging on about finding? I do hope so. Task was to trowel back to a flat level in preparation for photographs and a plan. As we trowelled back, the edge became more distinct and a line of orange sand and black charcoal appeared in certain parts of the diameter.

After taking the photos, Will gave us a lesson on planning and promptly handed the board to me! An hour later, a much worn eraser and a lot of squinting and head scratching, I had completed my very first plan. How chuffed was I!

Once all that was checked, we 3 lucky ladies were unleashed onto the pile of brick rubble in the top of the pit. Can I just say, lots of brick. Heck we couldn't get them out quick enough. As we removed them, we cleared back the contents of the pit from the sdes to expose the orange sand which had shown up at the edge of the pit. This proved to be a layer of well packed sand, extending into and around the sides of the pit as far as we could make out. And the last 15minutes.....Will wanders over to see how we're doing...and pulls out a rib bone and then the piece de resistance of the day, a pig's jaw cmplete with teeth. How happy was he! Tell you what, ice-creams tasted even better that afternoon.

P.S. Pig's jaw turned out to be a horse's jaw. Are we disappointed?...Absolutely not. For more info visit the dig website and watch the video.

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