's paperwork day today, so to speak. We are behind in the drawing of sections and pits and walls etc. Unfortunately, archaeology isn't all about trowelling and finds washing, there are some real nasties lurking in the background which are all part of the job! I have to say that I have avoided drawing of any description whenever I can, but needs must, and having done a section drawing 2 weeks ago, it has given me the confidence to tackle more. It's all about fear of the unknown and knowing that you are not the next Picasso or Turner! You don't need to be, and once you get the basic principles under your belt, then it all becomes perfectly clear.
Before I go any further, here's a picture of one of the spoil heaps. This is by no means the largest, but I didn't have access to the other one today. What you can't see is that the "path" takes a left hand turn at the top to the current dump level (just off the shot)
So we tackled the section drawing of trench B in the Knot Garden, adjacent to Trench A where the horse skull and pit were found. You can see the line of orange sand continuing in the top corner of the trench and another feature has appeared, possibly a pit, containing white material mixed in with a lighter coloured soil than the surrounding.
The blackbirds weren't impressed that we weren't providing them with worms this week, and the baby blackbird gave us a right telling off before he deposited himself in the pool in the bottom of Trench A for a quick wash and brush up. We were visited by them throughout the day, checking that we really weren't digging up their worms!!
So section drawing done, we had to prepare the side of the trench for drawing. We removed the soil so that it was in line with trench A, thus removing the really dry outer surface to reveal a damper interior. Could we see the difference between the top soil and underlying soil? NO, but then Will told us to wet it and voila, there it was. After the obligatory photos, we tackled the section drawing of the side of the trench. Will showed us how to set up the string and how to take the measurements of it. Again not something I had previously done (fear factor) but once you know how it's done, it's easy-peasey. Clayre and myself soon had the drawing done. We would have had it completed in half the time, but for the left-over cream scones and biscuits which were handed out!
Then we had a choice.....trowel back the surface of trench B or sort out the huge pile of brick, tile and stone which had been removed from trench A. We chose the latter because of time constraints. All too soon it was 5pm, time to pack up and reflect on our very productive day over the obligatory ice-cream from the ice-cream barge. It's sort of becoming a habit now. Roll on next Sunday!