Wednesday, 3 November 2010

Dig Day Sunday 31st October 2010

This is officially the last day of the dig, so I hobbled along on my crutches. It was very frustrating watching people get on with things and me watching them. Main activities were sieving, although that had slowed down, felting over the exposed archaeology and then putting a layer of soil ontop. This will protect the archaeology until next year.

Adrian was practising being a contortionist in the pit at the front of house, which has given up it's secrets in the form of bone and pot, and when I got down to the sieving tent, David showed me the large pieces of tin glaze which had come out of the pit yesterday. All exciting stuff 'cos there's another 3/4 of the pit left to do next year.

As I walked past the knot garden, it was a shock to see it all filled in. Did I imagine it, or did we really find some fascinating stuff in this little part of paradise.
Will the gardeners ever forgive us for digging up part of their treasure? Life goes on as I noticed that they have already planted out the winter pansies etc.

Walking through to the sieving tent, I was again reminded of the dig's final hours. All the equipment, bar a table and a few sieves, have been removed.

And the final team photo (missing D & H who were in sieving tent)...roll on next March....what on earth am I going to do on Sundays now!!!!!

Dig volunteer's Party Tuesday 19th October 2010

Fortunately this event happened before I went into hospital. Having picked up Clayre and Sue on a disgustingly wet night, we arrived at the SBT very wet!!! We were one of the first to arrive and not suprisingly the last to leave, with Clayre on a mission!!
SBT had laid on a veritable feast of tasty sandwiches, snacks,sausage rolls and finger desserts, all washed down with a choice of red/white/rose wine and elderflower sparkly, for the drivers amongst us. I think I can safely say it was a much appreciated gesture.
It was great to see everyone together from Team Sunday, including those who hadn't been able to make it for a while due to other committments. Unfortunately Colin wasn't able to make it and the only other person missing was Will, but the bust of Mr. WS himself in the following piccie, made a pretty good stand-in!!
Below are a selection of photos taken on the night. Note the "rescue" of the unwanted sandwiches in the last photo.........

Hiya Colin. Can you give me your email address so I can tell you when night out is please?

Dig Day Sunday 17th October 2010

This is my last week of working at New Place. Some joker in hospital admissions has booked me in for an op next week....on my birthday!!!!!!!
Never mind. It's a beautiful day, sun shining, blue sky and warm.
Started off backfilling the knot garden. About 40 barrows between myself, Clayre and Will this morning before t-break!!! Not bad going.
Mind you, it doesn't appear to have made an impact on the spoil heap which looks as large as ever!!
After t-break took over from Heather and David who had been playing squares......!!!!
Did some potwashing before catching D & H busy backfilling........

Heather making an angel....
After lunch, Will took pity and put me out front to dig in the section of the large square pit. Found lots of bone, normal for this pit, plus med and late-med pot.

...and then this beautiful sight wafted over the town.....
All good things must come to an end, so it was with great sadness that I had my last scone and ice-cream.

Just a few pictorial memories....